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Nomadic+Earth Matters-2

2015.2.24 ~ 3.5 Earth Matters-2 : an Indo Korean Ceramic Exhibition , Lalit Kala Academi (Chennai,Indo)

2015 Nomadic residency Indo(Chennai)-Korea


Time, space, and reflection
This exhibition addresses a reflection of time and space, (a phenomenon in which a certain response is aroused mechanically, irrespective of one’s will). Its focus is “irrespective of one’s will”.
A lamb passing through an arched gate of the Golden Bridge building with a glorious past.
The sky the lamb looks at – The lamb has to depend on visual perception when there is an obstacle to communication due to a language barrier.
Stainless houses reflecting serenely the Chennai streets revolving slowly and moving fast.
The clouds hovering under the houses as if presenting a spatial paradox.
The lamb-family looking vacantly, and I, and we.
I present “seeing…, being seen…” which has nothing to do with one’s will for looking in the static space where past, present, and future coexist.


Clayarch Gimhae Museum ,cubic house

2015 'Nomadic Residence- India' Homecoming Exhibition 


 Installation:3000x10000x3500, l,,ceramic,(mm)
 small houses : Stainless Steel

 big houses : wood,photo

 cloud : slip casting, 1,250℃ firing in oxidation
 sheep stoneware: 1,000x700x1,100(mm),  1,240 ℃ firing in oxidation with white glaze



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